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Marahk Russian army theme.
Russian army in the game menu.
Ruská armáda v menu hry.
The file size is 94 MB.
Instalace (Install) Blitzkrieg-Rozbalit z RAR a vložit do Blitzkrieg/Run/Data. (Expand the RAR and paste into Blitzkrieg / Run / Data.
700 Multiplayerových map ke stažení.
700 Multiplayer maps for download.
Instalace (Install) Blitzkrieg-Rozbalit z RAR a vložit do Blitzkrieg/Run/Data/maps. (Expand the RAR and paste into Blitzkrieg / Run / Data/maps.
Instalace (Install) Blitzkrieg Anthology-Rozbalit z RAR a vložit do Blitzkrieg/Run/Data./maps. (Expand the RAR and paste into Blitzkrieg / BK / Data/maps.
Marahk Blitzkrieg Multiplayer Mod IV.
Instalace (Install) Blitzkrieg-Rozbalit z RAR a vložit do Blitzkrieg/Run/Data.(Expand the RAR and paste into Blitzkrieg / Run / Data.
Instalace (Install) Blitzkrieg Anthology-Rozbalit z RAR a vložit do Blitzkrieg/Run/Data.(Expand the RAR and paste into Blitzkrieg / BK / Data.
Marahk Blitzkrieg Multiplayer Mod III.
Mod byl vytvořen pro multiplayer a je kompatibilní s patchem 1.2 .Dá se použít i pro singlplayer.Výhoda tohoto modu je ,že ostatní ho nemusí mít nainstalovaný a přesto s nimi můžete hrát. Mod obsahuje nové skyny techniky,zimní,letní a pouštní,nové zvuky,byly zde použity i zvuky s filmu stalingrad,novou hudbu,nové stromy,nové vlajky,nové miny-červené proti tankům,modré proti pěchotě,nový terén,nové efekty.
Mod was created for Multi player and is compatible with patch 1.2 It can be used for Single player .The advantage of this mode is that the other does not have to be installed and yet they can play.Mod skyny includes new technology, winter, summer and the desert, new sounds, the sounds are also used to film Stalingrad, new music, new trees, new flag, new mines against tanks-red, blue against infantry, the new terrain.[author Marahk]
Tento mod jsem vytvořil z toho nejlepšího co bylo pro Blitzkrieg vytvořeno mod komunitou a mnou.Jsou zde použita díla těchto autorů.(This mod is created from the works of several authors.) Author-Marahk,AndrewT,Kun@,Bkfan41,Vonosten,Solvang,Stahlsohle,Jackcola,Mart,Randell,Eisenhan Aleksej von Grozni.
Today I uploaded a new version of the mode MBMM III. Are excluded from it and some unnecessary files and also SquireJames files. These are replaced by others. The mod already has patch 3.1 after the removal of some unneeded files are nice size 416 megabytes. In version 3.1 are the new sounds of some tanks (very nice), aircraft used original sound of BF-109 G, and others modified. Arrive Air is declared hostile air sirens, you'll complain also recorded when enemy air defense, or why is it coming of reinforcements. Each party has specific speaking infantry. Germany, for example from the film Stalingrad, Downfall. Russia is back with a film 9th Company, Shtrafbat. England and USA from the film Platoon, Full Metal Jacket. They extended the sounds of artillery, there are outstanding used sounds from vonosten.To means that he has every happened, I modified my sound. Also sound flying projectile from a cannon. Is it possible to monitor the sound map directions projectile flies, therefore, detection of enemy artillery on the map and the sound. The sounds of heavy tanks are so pronounced that after scrolling map of the sound you know which way to move your opponent's heavy tanks. Also know which way to safely cross the tank through the minefield, because the mines against tanks are red and blue against infantry.
Veliost souboru ( File Size) -416MB
Instalace (Install) Blitzkrieg-Rozbalit z RAR a vložit do Blitzkrieg/Run/Data.(Expand the RAR and paste into Blitzkrieg / Run / Data.
Instalace (Install) Blitzkrieg Anthology-Rozbalit z RAR a vložit do Blitzkrieg/Run/Data.(Expand the RAR and paste into Blitzkrieg / BK / Data.
Nové stromy do Blitzkrieg,je určen pro singlplaer a multiplaer.Autor marahk.(Flora mod-new trees in the Blitzkrieg, is designed for singlplaer and multiplaer.Autor marahk.)
original Blitzkrieg
Instalace (Install) Blitzkrieg-Rozbalit z RAR a vložit do Blitzkrieg/Run/Data.(Expand the RAR and paste into Blitzkrieg / Run / Data.
Instalace (Install) Blitzkrieg Anthology-Rozbalit z RAR a vložit do Blitzkrieg/BK/Data.(Expand the RAR and paste into Blitzkrieg / BK / Data.
Marahk Skin Compilace
Compilace nových textur techniky,units a zákopů do Blitzkrieg(Je to můj výběr co jsem kde sehnal za několik let.prostě to nejlepší) [Autor Marahk]
In this file, I have gathered the best (in my opinion) skins created by others.
I used skins created by: -Aleksej von Grozni -AndrewT -Eisenhan -Jackcola -Mart -Randell -Solvang -SquireJames -Stahlsohle
-Kun@ -Bkfan41
Instalace (Install) Blitzkrieg-Rozbalit z RAR a vložit do Blitzkrieg/Run/Data.(Expand the RAR and paste into Blitzkrieg / Run / Data.
Instalace (Install) Blitzkrieg Anthology-Rozbalit z RAR a vložit do Blitzkrieg/Run/Data.(Expand the RAR and paste into Blitzkrieg / BK / Data.
Jagdpanzer IV/48 - autor Kun@
Marahk Sound+Effekcts mod
Mod je složen z: Squire James Infantry Mod V.2.0,Marahk real mod,Ambient Death Effects v3.pak. [Autor Marahk]
Instalace (Install) Blitzkrieg-Rozbalit z RAR a vložit do Blitzkrieg/Run/Data.(Expand the RAR and paste into Blitzkrieg / Run / Data.
Instalace (Install) Blitzkrieg Anthology-Rozbalit z RAR a vložit do Blitzkrieg/BK/Data.(Expand the RAR and paste into Blitzkrieg / BK / Data.
Terain mod
Mod přidává do Blitzkrieg nový terén.[Autor Marahk]
original Blitzkrieg
Terain mod
Instalace (Install) Blitzkrieg-Rozbalit z RAR a vložit do Blitzkrieg/Run/Data.(Expand the RAR and paste into Blitzkrieg / Run / Data.
Instalace (Install) Blitzkrieg Anthology-Rozbalit z RAR a vložit do Blitzkrieg/BK/Data.(Expand the RAR and paste into Blitzkrieg / BK / Data.
New Units
New Units
Germany:Zásobovací automobil Benz
Marahk music mod
Nová hudba v menu a hře. (New music in the menu and play.)
Instalace (Install) Blitzkrieg-Rozbalit z RAR a vložit do Blitzkrieg/Run/Data.(Expand the RAR and paste into Blitzkrieg / Run / Data.
Instalace (Install) Blitzkrieg Anthology-Rozbalit z RAR a vložit do Blitzkrieg/BK/Data.(Expand the RAR and paste into Blitzkrieg / BK / Data.
New Units
New Units
Stíhač "Sikorski S16